Man Pays The Price For Coming Between German Shepherd & Feisty Bobcat

dog fights bobcat in Arizona

Sometimes it’s best to just stay out of it.

Obviously, it isn’t ideal for a German shepherd and a wild bobcat to be going toe-to-toe. That has a trip to the veterinarian’s office written all over it. And that’s all it probably would have been, if only one brave man would have let them duke it out.

This video below is as chaotic as it gets. Just to give you a quick heads up so you’ll be prepared going into the footage, you’ll see and hear:

-A man out of breath commentating on everything

-A runaway car that someone forgot to put in park

-A dog in distress

-A bobcat seemingly thirsty for blood

Trust me, though you have that information, you still have no idea how this crazy wildlife encounter goes down. Viewers get to experience the altercation from the perspective of a man who appears to still be in or near his car. He’d love to help out with the German shepherd that got jumped by a bobcat, but he also knows that he’s going to be better off keeping his distance.

Others had rushed to the pet owner and pet’s side to try and aid in any way they could. It appears the pet owner was holding his dog and trying to keep it calm while another person tried to break the bobcat’s strong grip on the bigger good boy/good girl.

As the story goes, the man attempting to yank away the wild cat was in such a hurry to help, he forgot to put his car in park. If it wasn’t for the quick reaction by the person filming to go and stop their car, it probably would have rolled away and created a whole other disaster.

Finally, the man pulling with all of his might on the bobcat was able to remove it and its sharp teeth from the German shepherd. Problem solved right? Well, at the very least, that problem was solved… but then another one presented itself that was possibly even worse.

In the blink of an eye, the bobcat latches onto the arm of the man that had just pulled it away. The poor guy screams bloody murder and starts violently spinning to try and shake the bobcat loose. I know the guy was just trying to help and didn’t deserve to be bitten, but the visual of him slinging the wild cat around like it’s on a cheap fairground swing ride is comedy at its best.

Like I said earlier, it was probably at worst going to be a trip to the vet’s office. Now that guy is going to have to get in for a rabies shot at the hospital ASAP. Eventually the bobcat released the man’s arm and trotted off, but not before it made quite the violent impression on everyone that was there.

Check it out:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock