Massive Grizzly Bear Wears Out Tree Giving Himself A Back Scratch

Bear scratches back
Yukon Wildlife Cams

There might not be a living thing on Planet Earth that loves a good back scratch more than a bear.

We’ve seen it plenty of times, but it somehow never gets old. Personally, I could watch footage of a big ol’ grizzly bear using a shed to scratch a hard-to-reach itch on a loop, and I’d happily press play on the viral video that showed a grizzly charging the camera right after he scratched his back.

So anytime there’s a new “back scratching bear” video that comes out, I’m all about it and all over it, which brings us to this story. Yukon Wildlife Cams rang in the New Year by sharing video clips from…two years ago.

And I don’t really care if they were saving them for now, or forgot about them until the calendar turned to 2024. All that matters is that they still shared the footage they collected from the Yukon Territory in Canada, and it was glorious.

The video also includes a moose walking by the trail camera that was set up, but the real focus is the grizzly that absolutely wears out one of the nearby trees with its backscratching (which doubles as a way to share their scent with other animals).

Yukon Wildlife Cams captioned their post with the following:

“For six weeks in the spring and early summer of 2022, this camera location received some ‘heavy’ visitation from moose and grizzly bears, some of which took a particular interest in scent marking a pine by standing on their hind legs and rubbing their back on the tree.”

Hopefully you can now see why clips of bears scratching their backs deserve all of the attention in the world. In fact, I’d like to propose a 24/7 feed (on TV, YouTube, wherever would have it) of bears of various shapes and sizes scratching their backs on things.

I know that seems silly, but something tells me the world would be a better place if that existed. Riff Outdoors, let’s make it happen…

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock