Raccoon Hanging Out At Hunter’s Deer Bait Gets Stuck Going Into A Hole In A Tree

raccoon nature

The masked bandit at it again!

Raccoons are the funniest little thieves out there.

And they seem to be everywhere, whether it’s at your back door, garbage can or even your pile of deer bait. These little guys are always out there eating and getting into things we don’t want them too.

It is hilarious that one of the most mischievous animals out there has what looks like a bandit’s mask for fur around their eyes.

These guys will eat anything and are too smart for their own good. A distant relative to bears and you can tell what they share. They can break into anything. Raccoons have usable thumbs and can open things many other animals can’t.

When they are in an area, there’s a good chance there’s a lot of them. Sure, it’s annoying when they get around your house, but you can prevent issues.

It’s also annoying when you get a whole crew hanging out and eating your deer bait. They will eat more than you think and let’s be real, no one is baiting for raccoons.

This hunter has himself one well fed raccoon.

This raccoon was getting into the hunter’s corn pile – and by the looks of it, eating a little too much.

The hunter watches the raccoon as he sits in his stand. It runs up a tree to go into its hole, but it gets stuck at the hips and can’t get in there.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock