HARDY’s Wife Caleigh Calls Maren Morris A “Fake Feminist,” Jokes About Her Leaving Country Music: “Let Me Grab My Tissue”

Hardy Maren Morris country music
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Safe to say that HARDY and his wife aren’t going to be on Maren Morris‘ Christmas card list this year. (Or holiday card, or whatever Maren Morris sends out).

Caleigh Ryan Hardy, the outspoken wife of country music superstar Michael Hardy, has called out Maren Morris before for what Caleigh sees as hypocrisy from the now-former country singer.

For a little backstory, obviously Maren was involved in a public feud with Jason Aldean’s wife, Brittany, last year for what Maren called transphobic comments from Brittany Aldean.

Then, a little while later, Maren took to social media to defend Meghan Markle amid criticism surrounding her Meg and Harry Netflix series.

And that’s when Caleigh jumped in to point out that Maren seems to only care about women who are being attacked when they agree with her politically:

“I never commented on that whole Instagram battle when it was going on, ‘cuz it just wasn’t my place, and you know, it didn’t involve me. And it still doesn’t, so I’m not gonna comment on that specific instance.

But when I saw that post, I just, I couldn’t help myself. Just based on the sheer hypocrisy of that quote. I mean, I literally, I couldn’t help myself. And this is not directed at anyone specifically, it’s not.

I think it’s just a general blanket statement that if you are someone who claims to be a feminist, love women, be a champion of women, and then the second you find out your beliefs differ from another women you go after them, you go after their character, you go after their business, you do not love women and you do not care about women.

You care about being right.”

Well in a recent interview, Caleigh doubled down on her comments about Maren, and also discussed Maren’s recent announcement that she was leaving country music.

During an appearance on The Spillover with Alex Clark podcast, Caleigh was asked her thoughts on Maren saying that she was leaving country music – and she didn’t hold back, sarcastically responding:

“Let me grab my tissue.”

She then reiterated that she believes Maren is a “fake feminist,” and defended country music from Maren’s claims that the country music industry is racist, transphobic, and misogynistic – implying that maybe Maren is the problem, not Nashville:

“I know the people of Nashville, and I know the people that are in the music industry, and I know country music, and they are beautiful people, and they are so kind. The country music industry is not far right. It is not at all…

A huge part of it is extremely liberal, and there are a lot of people with left-leaning views, and everyone gets along.

Honestly, that to me is one of the most special parts about the country music industry, is everybody has great characteristics and strong values, and people get along.

They’re kind-hearted people who are an open community, and I think it’s just a shame that if you feel that ostracized by Nashville, I think maybe there’s just some looking inward that you need to do.”

Safe to say that Caleigh isn’t too sad to see Maren leave country music.

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A beer bottle on a dock