Lone Wolf Runs Down Herd Of Bighorn Sheep, Drags One Off Into The Woods: “It’s Like National Geographic!”

Wolf eats sheep
Jukin Media

Spectacular and beautiful, all in a triumphant yet tragic flash.

Banff National Park is sort of Canada’s version of Yellowstone.

Established in 1885, it’s Canada’s oldest national park and ranges over 2,500 square miles of mountains, glaciers, dense forests, and alpine landscapes, making it one of the most gorgeous regions in the entire world. The park is home to an incredible amount of wildlife as well, such as grizzly bear, cougars, wolverines, mountain goats, caribou, elk, and moose.

While there are many more creatures that call call Banff home, we get to see two of the most incredible in a video this family captured while driving down a highway outside of the national park in Alberta, on their way to their campsite in Kananaskis.

While still a ways behind them, the family noticed a herd of bighorn sheep racing down the side of the road. It’s hard to tell from the video, but there appeared to be at least 8 sheep, every single one running as hard as they could.

Why were they running? Oh, just a lone wolf hot on their heels trying to grab one for dinner.

Talk about an incredible sight while driving to your campsite, eh?

The wolf made up the distance between itself and the herd quickly and the sheep bringing up the rear made one last ditch effort to get away by cutting across to the other side of the road. Unfortunately, this just gave the wolf a good angle to attack at and it grabbed the poor sheep by the neck and flung it to the ground, instantly breaking its neck.

The family pulls up next to the scene and stops to take it all in as the wolf pauses just for a moment to catch its breath before grabbing the twitching sheep and dragging it back into the woods to eat in peace.

Some of the commentary from the car throughout the ordeal was pretty top notch and certainly proves these people are thoroughbred Canucks.

“I can’t believe we’re witnessing this. I want him to catch one.

We gotta show Nana and Grandpa that! 

Can you guys believe this is happening? It’s like National Geographic!

There’s a car behind us, eh?

He’s going in for the kill guys. Oh, he’s gottem. 

Look at the strength. 

There’s a little bit of nature there for ya kids.”

Gotta love that the parents let their kids watch the entire thing play out to understand how this whole thing called life works.

Obviously, not a great day for the sheep, but man the effort that wolf put in just to get a couple of meals really puts into perspective the difficulties of living in the wild.

Those kids will be talking about this moment for the rest of their lives.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock