The Wild Ride Of Sitting In The Lawn Seats At A Country Concert

A person holding a camera up in the air with a crowd watching

The cheapest ticket doesn’t necessarily mean the worst time.

With spring here and summer fast-approaching, it’s time to get ready for some fun, the sun, and country music. AND, those lawn seats.

There’s some magical stuff going on in the lawn. Here are 45 thoughts you have while out there….

A kitchen with a sink and a toaster oven

45. Did I pregame enough?

44. Why the fuck are they wearing that?

43. Oh no.

A kitchen with a sink and a toaster oven

42. Are they actually a couple?

41. I’m too sober.

40. Hey, these seats aren’t that bad.

39. Actually, the stage is 40 miles away.

38. I’m going to lie down and feel the grass.

37. This is the life (buzz is hitting).

36. I hope I don’t break the seal at the wrong time.

35. I should probably buy two beers per trip.

34. Is this person hitting on me?

33. No, just a weirdo.

32. Look at these real-life adults that brought a picnic.

31. Is this old lady hitting on me?

30. Yes.

29. Is she 50?

28. Yes.

27. $15 for a beer? Gotta do what you gotta do.

26. I’ll end up spending $140 on beer tonight.

26. Lots of high school kids here.

25. I’m too old to be out here.

24. Is that weed I smell?

23. Who’s on stage?

22. I can’t see. Literally.

21. I’m going to trip down this lawn and break my shit.

20. I hope that wasn’t someone’s pee that just hit my leg.

19. Or dip spit.

18. Is that couple having sex? No, dry humping.

17. Is that the opener up there or the headliner?

16. I’m going to lose my group.

15. I hope the headliner suddenly appears back here like a magician.

14. These people smell bad.

13. I have to pee.

12. The line will be too long.

11. You’re an adult, use the restroom.

10. Yeah, use the restroom, then grab two more beers.

9. These beers are probably watered down.

8. I could have bought 14 12-packs with the money I spent on 9 beers.

7. That’s life.

6. I’m not going to remember much of this.

5. Next time I’ll spend the money to sit up front.

4. It’s going to be a son of a bitch getting out of here.

3. I should of snuck in a flask.

2. Did I really just spend that much on beer?

A kitchen with a sink and a toaster oven

1. What bar are we going to?

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock