Father & Daughter Encounter Incredibly Rare Sighting At Yellowstone National Park… A Wolverine

Yellowstone wolverine

Talk about a once in a lifetime experience.

A father and daughter were visiting Yellowstone National Park for the first time on Saturday, and witnessed one of the rarest creatures you could possibly encounter within the park…

A wolverine.

MacNeil Lyons, one of the witnesses of the rare sighting and owner of Yellowstone Insight, told For The Win Outdoors:

“For the rest of the tour, the 9-year-old daughter couldn’t stop saying, every 15 minutes or so, ‘Wow… we saw a wolverine today!’

She told me it was the most amazing day ever in her life.”

Lyons snapped several pictures of the creature, and shared them via Facebook.

On his Saturday post, he commented on what it felt like in the moment:

“It was only 2-3 minutes, but it was as if time stood still. There was for sure a true and focused connection between two sentient beings.”

He continued on another post on Sunday, discussing how he captured the pictures, and just how rare the pictures are, considering there are as few as seven wolverines in Yellowstone.

He didn’t say where the sighting occurred within the park, but mentioned that it happened at 11:38 AM as he was rounding a corner.

The last documented footage of a wolverine at Yellowstone surfaced in January 2021, just to put in perspective how rare these sightings are.

It’s estimated that only about half a dozen wolverines are in the park at any given time, and MacNeil Lyons, who’s been a guide at Yellowstone for 21 years, has only seen a wolverine once, through binoculars over a mile away.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock