Moose In Grand Teton National Park Falls In Love With Big Bull… Statue

Moose statue

Love at first statue.

They say that sometimes when you fall antlers over hooves in love, you just know. Love has a funny way of working out like that, though love also has a great way of telling you that maybe things aren’t going to work out.

There were a lot of mixed signals flying around in Grand Teton National Park on the fateful day this video was shot. To be straight forward, you could tell that the female moose was really interested, whereas the male moose was… one might say statuesque.

But that was for good reason, since it actually was a statue of a moose. The fact that it was a lifelike size made for quite the confusing interaction between the wild animal and the lifeless structure.

The footage was posted on “Tourons of Yellowstone,” which is usually dedicated to clips of stupid Yellowstone National Park tourists doing stupid things. I wouldn’t say this moose was doing anything unintelligently. It was just a little rattled, and probably had never seen a statue.

Props to the person who posted the video for overlaying “Just The Two of Us” by Grover Washington Jr. Technically, there’s not two of them, but try telling the female moose that:

“Two moose lost in love in Moose, WY. This bull was a little nervous and didn’t make a move, but that didn’t stop her. Obviously the sparks were flying.”

And guess what? That happened in Moose, Wyoming. That’s an actual place, believe it or not. I can’t think of a better place for a mixup like this to happen.

Here’s to hoping that the cow elk eventually found an actual, non-statue partner. She clearly was interested in a romance, but the bull elk wasn’t exactly cooperating. Because it wasn’t actually a bull elk, just to be clear…

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock