Watch Group Of Kansas City Super Bowl Parade Attendees Heroically Tackle Shooting Suspect

heroes tackle gunman

Everyday heroes do exist.

The sports world is still trying to wrap their heads around the sad events that played out at the conclusion of the Kansas City Chiefs celebratory Super Bowl parade. A shooting took place near Union Station in Kansas City, Missouri, where the parade route finished up.

In this broadcast from BBC, you can see the moment shots started ringing out:

As of right now, it being reported that at least 14 people were injured in the violent attack. One death has also been confirmed, officially making this a fatal shooting that took place in Kansas City.

Two armed individuals were detained shortly after the shooting, and it appears that one of them was caught thanks to the brave acts of parade attendees that heroically jumped into action. Based on this video below, a person that was fleeing from police was tackled by a couple of courageous Chiefs fans that saw the man running in the area.

Check it out:

Shoutout to those people that bravely took matters into their own hands. They are true heroes, and if the person tackled is one of the suspected shooters, their actions very easily could have saved lives. Towards the end of the clip, on the right side of the frame, you can even see a woman pick up the alleged shooter’s rifle while the rest of the men hold him down.

This other video below shows the apparent aftermath of the everyday heroes tackling the suspect. The description below explains the nature of the footage:

“A video sent to KMBC 9 shows KCPD officers taking a person into custody outside of Union Station following a shooting at the Chiefs 2024 Super Bowl Rally.”

And one person by the name of Tony on X (formerly Twitter) replied to the above post, identifying himself as one of the parade attendees to stepped in to help:

“Glad I could help catch him!”

Salute to Tony if he did, in fact, help out with detaining one of the armed individuals. And a big shoutout to the police and other authorities that rushed into the dangerous situation to help.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock