Keanu Reeves’ Gun Stolen After Masked Burglars Break Into His House… And I Can’t Wait For John Wick 5

Keanu Reeves John Wick

Everyone knows that you don’t mess with the man who plays a man that you don’t want to mess with in a movie.

Sorry if I lost you there, but you get what I’m saying, right? Keanu Reeves is a national treasure who has starred in a multitude of all-time classics (The Matrix, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure), and he has especially won America over with his most recent action-packed movie franchise John Wick.

If you haven’t seen any of the John Wick films, may I politely ask what the hell have you been doing with your life? To be completely honest, the style of the Keanu Reeves-led John Wick films is unrivaled. The formula behind every movie is simple, yet incredibly effective:

-John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is happy

-Someone or something upsets John Wick

-John Wick kills them and everyone else in sight

-Lather, rinse, repeat

That might seem like a mundane, repetitive process, but they’ve made four of them already, and the franchise has raked in over $1 billion. Clearly people love watching Keanu Reeves be a redemption-seeking badass.

So if you’ve seen any of the John Wick movies, you would know that Reeves’ character is not to be messed with. Apparently these burglars that broke into Keanu’s Hollywood home didn’t get that memo…

The Los Angeles Police Department responded to Reeves’ home earlier this week when the alarm system at his residence was triggered around 1 a.m. Multiple masked burglars were seen smashing windows of the home to get inside, and ultimately made off with one of Keanu’s firearms.

Reeves was not at home when the break in occurred, and boy, were the masked men lucky that he wasn’t.

Sure, John Wick is a fictional character, but all of the training that Keanu went through for the role is very much real. I wouldn’t want to see him kick into gear and become a real-life John Wick (for self-defense purposes, of course).

Social media was having a field day with the report, and sent out all kinds of memes and jokes online about Keanu Reeves and his John Wick role:

Oh, and just in case you didn’t believe me about all of the training for Keanu Reeves being easily transferrable to real life, you can take a look at this video below. Those burglars should be shaking in their boots right about now:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock