Three Kids Team Up To Land Huge Largemouth Bass, Absolutely Lose Their Minds With Happiness

Bass fishing kids

This is what it’s all about. Teaching kids to fish is one of the best things you can do as a parent.

My dad used to let me and my brother skip school once a year and we’d take an early morning trip to Ford’s Pond where we’d fish all day and then go get some Taco Bell. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite childhood memories and I can’t wait to continue it one day with my own kids.

While just going out and spending time in nature with each other is really all that matters, there’s nothing that can create a core memory faster than landing a monster.

This video come to us from Florida and shows three young boys fishing from a dock when the youngest of them hooks up with a monster bass. Immediately, the others jump in to help, and with a little teamwork, they are able to pull a behemoth of a largemouth onto the dock.

If that was all it would be worth the watch just to see the fish, but these kid’s reactions will put a giant smile on your face that’s going to last all day.

When they see the size of this lunker, each of them absolutely loses their minds, jumping up and down in pure, raw joy that will probably never be matched. Honestly, it got me all nostalgic missing being a young kid, how can you not love seeing these moments play out?

Big shoutout to these kids. Sure, we can pick on them of how they handled the fish (the fish was probably fine), but that will come with time. They’ll never experience something like this again, so let’s cut them some slack.

Man, I can’t wait to teach my future kids how to fish…

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock