‘The Simpsons’ Confirm They’re Ending Long-Running Gag Of Homer Strangling Bart, And The Internet (Naturally) Is Arguing About It

The Simpsons FOX

At this point, The Simpsons is more than just a staple of television; it’s an institution.

The series first debuted on December 17th, 1989 and has run for 755 episodes over 35 seasons with a 36th in the works, making it the longest running American animated series, American sitcom, and American scripted primetime television series of all-time.

Over the years, it’s produced some iconic moments. But since the onset of social media, it’s gained notoriety for seemingly predicting major world events long before they occur.

Who can forget one episode from 1993 that showed coronavirus, protests, and murder hornets all at once? Then what about the OceanGate submarine from 2006?

We could also add Donald Trump running for president, Ebola, smart watches, Siegfried and Roy tiger attack, auto-correct, Game of Thrones, the US winning a Gold medal at the Olympics for curling, and so many more, but we’d literally be here all day.

But predictions are far from the only iconic moments the show has given us. There’s just so many quotes and moments that live rent free in so many people’s minds, and one of the most well-known gags the show has produced is Homer strangling Bart if he pushed him just a bit too far.

Here’s an example.

While at one point it seemed something like this happened once a show, the gag has been quietly phased out for some time now, with the last strangulation occurring in season 31 back in 2019-2020, according to IGN.

Obviously, it’s supposed to be funny and doesn’t mean that the show’s creators are condoning child abuse, but just recently a new episode titled “McMansion & Wife” aired and there was a scene in which Homer said that he didn’t do that anymore because “times have changed”

Take a look at that clip below.

“See, Marge, strangling the boy paid off. Just kidding, I don’t do that anymore. Times have changed.”

Have to say, if there was any part of the show to remove, it was probably that one. Do I seriously think that it’s going to stop any scumbags from choking their children? No, not exactly, but hey, times to change and what’s acceptable to show on TV changes with them.

But, as with any decision, the wonderful people on both sides of the aisles must voice their opinions and this seems just as divided as a debate on conflict in the middle east…

Honestly, people will fight about anything, so when something happens in a show that many people care about it’s only naturally that words are going to fly, especially on Twitter or X or whatever it’s called today.

Regardless, The Simpsons will always rank as one of my favorite shows of all-time.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock