Laurah Louisa Performs Emotional Cover Of Whiskey Myers’ “Broken Window Serenade”

Laurah Louise singing whiskey myers
Laurah Louis

It’s no secret that Whiskey Myers has one of the best catalogs in modern day southern rock/country music.

For me, it’s impossible to pick a favorite, because when you have to pick from songs like “Stone,” “Broken Window Serenade,” “Lonely East Texas Nights,” “Bury My Bones,” “Ballad Of A Southern Man,” and so many more, how am I supposed to say that one is better than the other? They’re all incredible songs in their own way.

But when it comes to good old fashioned “sad songs make me happy” country music heartbreakers, “Broken Window Serenade,” is hard to compete with. Released on Whiskey Myers’ 2011 Firewater album, the song is arguably their most popular song to date.

The song itself is about a relationship between a man and a woman, and the guy is in love with her, but he can’t save her from herself. He watches her battle through the struggles of life, and her use of substance abuse to get through it, which ultimately takes her life. It’s a real tear jerker.

As for the girl who put together this impressive cover, it’s Laurah Louisa.

Louisa is an aspiring country singer/songwriter, who is starting to gain some serious traction with her impressive covers on social media, and that includes “Broken Window Serenade.” She’s performed a number of country songs, but her rendition of this one has garnered considerable praise on TikTok (over 1.4 million views) and YouTube (nearly 225 million views).

Needless to say, she’s doing the song some serious justice.

Check it out:

And of course, the original:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock