Blink-182 Played A Secret Show At A Denny’s As Rumors Fly About ‘Anthem Part 3’ Music Video

Blink 182 music

The “Denny’s Grand Slam” meme is making a comeback thanks to Blink-182.

The iconic three-piece pop-punk band pulled up to a Denny’s in Long Beach, California, for a random secret show, which is allegedly meant to be part of a music video shoot for “Anthem Part 3.”

Apologies for the NSFW language, but if you see Blink in the headline, you probably know that comes with the territory.

Full transparency: I had no idea what this meme even was prior to going down a bit of a rabbit hole. That led me to this YouTube video which describes how a band called Live Without once upon a time did an impromptu pop-up gig at a Denny’s in Houston. They were a metal band, so the “Denny’s Grand Slam” — the famous breakfast combo feast that’s a go-to order at the chain restaurant — was a wonderful pun that whipped the crowd into a frenzy.

Other bands have followed suit in the ensuing years by playing at unconventional venues. Unsuspecting customers trying to navigate the chaos only added to the entertaining spectacle.

Now we have Blink-182 making old things new and cool again. There’s a certain calculated meta angle to all this. Blink just dropped their ninth studio album One More Time…, which featured 17 songs upon initial release and now has two additional tracks exclusively through their web store.

As someone who became obsessed with Blink as an impressionable youth, it’s pretty cool to see them mature as a band and come up with some of their deepest and richest music to date. Sure, there’s the occasional expected vulgarity sprinkled in, yet this is a power trio who’s come of age, gotten punched in the face multiple times by life, and are back kicking and better than ever.

Well, I shouldn’t maybe say “better than ever” because Tom DeLonge’s singing voice is a little suspect. Cut him some slack, though. He’s been rocking out for a very long time. Tom can still occasionally be on point with his pipes when he’s fully locked in and rested.

Anyway we’re getting a little far afield. It’d be beyond mind-blowing to waltz into a Denny’s and see Blink-182 rocking out. Good for them for coming back. I just hope the younger-skewing demographic of concertgoers can appreciate Blink and that they have the appropriate, electrifying atmosphere for their upcoming tour of to-be sold-out stadium shows.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock