Hailey Whitters Teases New Song About Falling In Love With A Chevy-Driving Man, And We Need It ASAP

Hailey Whitters country music
Hailey Whitters/Instagram

Alright, I need Hailey Whitters to drop this one already…

She’s teasing new music over on Instagram, and I can only hope it means we might get to hear the studio cut of this song soon.

Straight from the truck bed in her native Iowa, Hailey teased a tune with her acoustic guitar seemingly called “He’s In A Chevy,” which has a super catchy, upbeat melody (that Hailey has such an innate knack for) and fun lyrics, where she daydreams about falling in love with a Chevy-driving man.

Hailey most recently put out her third studio album Raised in early 2022, so this could definitely mean new tunes are on the horizon.

And I know this is only part of a verse and chorus, but I already love it:

“He’s in a chevy and…”

Her current single at country radio “Everything She Ain’t” is still steadily climbing the charts, well on its way to becoming a Top 10 hit that is already a fan-favorite and streaming smash by any considerable metric.

“Everything She Ain’t”

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock