“I’m Afraid The Guy’s Gonna Find Me And Sue Me” – Riley Green Recalls Snapping A Dude’s Arm In Half At The Flora-Bama

Riley Green country music
Riley Green/@Whiskey Riff


Back around 2015, Riley Green took on some random guy in an arm wrestling match down at the Flora-Bama (a place Riley used to play often while getting started in his country music career), and let’s just say… it didn’t end well for the mystery man.

Riley took the guy down in a few seconds flat, and in a video he’s since shared on Instagram of the exact moment, you can see (and hear) the snapping of the arm.

Yeah… not that I’ve ever found myself in a late night arm wrestling match like this, but I think Riley Green is the last person I’d want to go up against if I were to ever find myself in that situation.

And we actually caught up with Riley at his inaugural Duckman Jam festival at the Flora-Bama this past weekend, AKA the scene of the (alleged) crime, where we obviously had to ask him about it and his thoughts on the incident almost 10 years later.

Riley says staff at the Flora-Bama still bring it up to him, but he was hoping everybody would forget about it eventually because he’s afraid “the guy’s gonna find me and sue me,” though there’s got to be some sort of statute of limitations on breaking random dude’s arms at the Flora-Bama, right?

If he hasn’t heard anything by now, my guess is that he’s probably safe… and truthfully, by the way he talked about it and the look on his face as he remembered that fateful day, I think he still enjoys that story quite a bit himself:

“I think the most popular Flora-Bama story I have is when I broke a dude’s arm in there years ago, arm wrestling. There’s still people who work here that bring it up.

I’m hoping everybody will forget about it ‘cuz I’m afraid the guy’s gonna find me and sue me, but I think enough time has passed that we’re probably okay.”

Honestly, I’d love to hear from the guy, just to get his side of the story and what it felt like to have his arm broken like that by Riley Green…

And if you’re as squeamish as I am, this is fun to watch, but extremely difficult to listen to (fair warning):

Riley also talked about how he wanted to cry himself when he wrote “Jesus Saves,” which is an absolutely gorgeous, downright sad country song included on his brand new Way Out Here EP:

And for a little bit of fun after you’re done crying to “Jesus Saves,” “Good Morning From Mexico” is a total jam and I’m gonna have it blasting all summer long:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock