Tripod, The White Claw Drinking, Three-Legged Black Bear From Florida, Is Going Viral Again

Bear in Florida

Isn’t it such a good feeling to get an update on a big story from awhile back?

Do you remember Tripod? The three legged bear who raided multiple fridges and crushed some White Claws down in Florida last year?

If you don’t let me jog your memory.

It was Labor Day weekend and Josaury Faneite-Diglio was settling in for a party in Lake Mary, Florida when she got a notification that there was movement in front of her security camera. Lo and behold, it was Tripod, a bear with three legs who was often spotted in the area and has become a beloved member of the community.

Tripod broke into her screened in porch and ate some fish food before heading over to the refrigerator, where he proceeded to drink 3 White Claws while her 13 year old son videoed the whole thing.

As you can tell from the boy’s reaction, it wasn’t the first time Tripod had done something like this. In fact, he was spotted just a few weeks prior and a few weeks after raiding other nearby fridges.

Obviously, watching a three-legged bear drink White Claws is pretty funny, but it’s a rough world out there and it’s even tougher when you’re missing 25% of your appendages, which caused many people to worry about ole Tripod.

But don’t worry, because new video has hit the internet and our dude is looking better than ever.

Tripod was spotted moving through someone’s yard and is once again going viral, and as you can imagine, some of the responses are pure gold, but this first one got me good.

Shoutout Ryan. Very well played, sir.

There’s so many other good ones though, take a look.

All things considered, it looks like Tripod is doing just fine. Let’s hope he lives out the rest of his days in comfort.

If you live in the area, please feel free to post all of the Tripod content you can get. Heck, why doesn’t he have his own social media at this point? Really missing out on a huge opportunity there… If someone actually creates this page, I’ll take a small ownership stake in the company as my finder’s fee.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock