Son Of US Congressman Arrested In Nashville After Throwing A Cup At Police From Roof Of Jason Aldean’s Bar

Patton Guest Jason Aldeans bar
Scoop: Nashville/Jason Kempin via Getty Images

Think his dad can get him out of this one?

I feel like Jason Aldean’s bar in Nashville needs to just shut down their rooftop at this point. All of the stories that come out of this place are about people peeing off the rooftop or throwing sh*t at people on Broadway below.

And this time, the offender happens to be a son of a United States Congressman.

According to Scoop: Nashville, a Nashville police officer was standing on Broadway when a clear plastic cup fell from the rooftop bar at Aldean’s and hit him in the foot. And according to the police report, when officers reviewed security footage from the bar, they saw 20-year old Michael “Patton” Guest clearly – and intentionally – throw the cup off the roof at the police below.

Police then reportedly confronted the underage Guest, who had a drink in each hand despite being under 21, and admitted that he had been drinking in the bar. While he initially denied throwing anything from the bar, Guest reportedly later admitted that he threw his drink off the roof. The police report also says that Guest was identified by others at the bar as the one who threw the drink.

Guest was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, underage drinking, and assault on a police officer. His bond was set at $2,500 and he was later given pretrial release.

The 20-year old Guest is the son of Republican Congressman Michael Guest, who represents the 3rd District of Mississippi in the United States House of Representatives.

Ironically, as Scoop: Nashville points out, the Congressman also chairs the House Ethics Committee and is a member of the Law Enforcement Caucus after serving as a district attorney in his home state prior to being elected to Congress in 2018.

The younger Guest appears to have deactivated his social media after his arrest.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock