Real Man Of Genius Brings Hard Hat & Vest To Golf Course In Case His Wife Calls

Golfing in construction gear

If you’ve come to this story looking for golf tips, I can assure you that you have come to the right place.

Let me be perfectly clear. What you’ll learn in this video below is more valuable than any swing tip you could ever hear. Mastering the kind of focus and dedication that this golfer has below could change the way you golf forever.

Have you ever wanted to hit the links for 18 holes and had too much going on, or some other obligation hindering you from doing so? If the answer to that question is “yes,” you need to take a page out of this guy’s book.

One could assume that this guy is a construction worker, and he was able to bring along a hard hat and a safety vest to his golf outing in order to get away with “working late.” The caption overlayed on the video pretty much says it all:

“He brought a hard hat and vest just in case his wife FaceTimed him.”

That guy is playing chess while the rest of us are playing checkers. Loved the “they’re keeping us late tonight” line.

What a big brained moment. Sad that he has to go to those lengths in order to play a round with the boys, but you do have to give him credit for his creativity and problem-solving (or problem-aversion) skills.

Social media was mesmerized by the man’s strategy to keep his wife from knowing he was out on the golf course, and left a plethora of replies underneath the video in support:

Woah…that’s a pretty bold claim there. I could into the moral and ethical issues of letting a white lie play out like this, but I’m going to say there’s an exception when the lie creates something as funny as this.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock