Army Honors 3rd Infantry Division With Bad*ss New Uniforms For Army-Navy Game

Army uniforms
Army Football

Each college football season, I look forward to the Army vs. Navy game.

I mean c’mon, we’re talking about two football teams filled with players that are in school to become high ranking officers in our military. While only a handful have ever gone on to play in the NFL, most of them will be serving our country and protecting our freedoms.

Although neither school is necessarily known for great football, the game is absolutely electric, and typically always goes down to the wire. On top of that, each school typically unveils a brand new badass uniform for the rivalry game every season. And they’re always the baddest uniforms in all of college football.

With that being said, Army has officially unveiled their uniforms for the 2023 game, and boy, they are SLICK.

For this year’s game, the Black Knights’ uniforms pay tribute to the 3rd Infantry Division that took down Saddam Hussein’s forces in the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

The Army shared some inside info about the new unis:

“The 2023 Army-Navy Uniform and football tell the story of The United States 3rd Infantry Division during the opening phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Marne Division’s participation in the initiation of offensive operations in Iraq, the longest and most rapid armored advance since the Second World War.

The 3rd Infantry Division’s success hinged upon its ability to seize and maintain the initiative against a determined adversary in harsh and unforgiving terrain. The Dogface Soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division accomplished this feat through clear application of the U.S. Army’s characteristics of the offensive: surprise, concentration, audacity, and tempo.

On December 9, Army is honored to represent the soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division and their tactical acumen on the field in Foxborough. In adopting their mottos, symbols, and ethos on the field of friendly strife, Army seeks to emulate their application of these characteristics to defeat our rivals.”

Not to mention, the video they released will have you ready to run through a brick wall.

Check ’em out:

Navy’s ain’t bad either, but not giving me the goosebumps that Army is:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock