Colorado Mule Deer Buck Is Ready To Pick A Fight With A Mount On The Wall

Deer mount
Viral Hog

I can’t imagine what was racing through this mule deer’s mind at this very moment.

In this hilarious video footage, you can see a large mule deer buck poking its head through an open sliding glass door of a home near Fort Collins, Colorado. The rutting buck notices a deer mounted on the wall, and the wheels start spinning.

I can only imagine the confusion going through this buck’s mind, wondering why the deer mounted on the wall doesn’t have a body or legs, and isn’t looking right back at it. On one hand, it’s like… where’s the rest of him? On the other, it’s “stay away from girl, bro.” Or who know, maybe that’s one of his homies he’s been looking for…

Perhaps the best part of the video is when the guy filming says to the buck:

“I don’t think that’s a good idea buddy.”

The videographer explained the wild scene in the caption:

“This buck was tending a doe around my yard when he spotted my mounted deer inside the sliding glass door. He marched over and started flexing, looking for a fight to defend his doe.”

Just imagine if this buck decided to start going ballistic on the deer mount, only to realize that the buck was already dead. During the rut, bucks are more ornery and aggressive, as they’re in search for their perfect mate. They’ll fight anyone and anything in an effort to attract and/or defend a doe.

Needless to say, this situation could’ve gotten a lot wilder than it did, but still a funny video nonetheless.

Check it out:

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