Brittany Aldean Got A Kick Out Of Meme Joking That Jason Aldean Would Be Blamed For Maren Morris’ Divorce

Jason Aldean Maren Morris country music
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Brittany Aldean getting the last laugh?

The wife of country star Jason Aldean had a highly-publicized feud with Maren Morris last year when Maren called out Brittany Aldean for what she said were transphobic comments.

In case you need a quick refresher, Brittany shared a video of herself putting on makeup with the caption:

“I’d really like to thank my parents for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase. I love this girly life”

Maren Morris responded to a post from fellow country singer Cassadee Pope by calling Brittany “Insurrection Barbie.”

“It’s so easy to, like, not be a scumbag human? Sell your clip-ons and zip it, insurrection Barbie.”

Brittany then jumped on the comments, responding by calling her “Karen Morris” and launching a new clothing line, Tucker Carlson got involved, Maren trolled Tucker…it was a big thing.

But the bottom line is that Brittany Aldean is obviously not a big fan of Maren Morris.

So when news broke this week about Maren filing for divorce from her husband Ryan Hurd, Brittany couldn’t help but laugh at the memes that started popping up.

A meme posted by @primetimecountrymusic on Instagram poked fun at the divorce by showing a disheveled and sad-looking Ryan Hurd with the caption “Married to Maren Morris” followed by a smiling and happy-looking Hurd with the caption “Not married to Maren Morris.”

It’s a sentiment that’s been echoed in a lot of comments across the internet this week, joking that Ryan Hurd would probably be much happier now that he’s getting away from Morris.

But it seems that the caption on the Instagram post is probably what got Brittany’s attention:

“Somehow we know Jason Aldean is going to be blamed for this.”

I mean, Maren does usually have a lot to say about Jason Aldean…

Well Brittany got a kick out of the post, commenting “Lmao” with a cry-laughing emoji, which clearly got the attention of her fellow commenters and has racked up nearly 100 likes on her comment.

There have been some epic feuds in country music over the years, but Maren Morris vs. Brittany Aldean is one that just doesn’t seem to go away.

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A beer bottle on a dock