Jesse Daniel’s “Gray” Is A Sobering Plea To A Loved One Struggling With Drug Addiction

You know those songs that just stop you in your tracks the first time you hear them?

Well that’s what Jesse Daniel‘s “Gray” did to me as I was making my way through his latest album, Beyond These Walls.

The song is a gut-wrenching look into the life of someone who’s watching a loved one fall prey to drug addiction, and the toll it takes on those around them.

Your mother lives alone, your brothers have all grown
Your sneakin’ in, it scares her half to death
But she still takes care of you, she lets you sleep and brings you food
Her hair more gray with every shallow breath

I wish that you could see what I know you could be
It’s hard to watch, but I can’t look away
When we both were young Lord knows we had our fun
But aren’t you tired of fadin’ into gray?

It’s a subject Jesse knows all too well, having struggled with addiction himself. But it’s a story that countless others will no doubt be able to relate to – especially for anybody who’s had to watch their own loved ones fall into the grasp of drug addiction.

The entire album is a master class in country music songwriting that manages to sound fresh while still respecting the roots of country music – and there’s even a nod to Tejano on a couple of the songs.

It’s well worth the listen. Hell, I’d even put it near the top of my list of best albums of 2021.

And while the whole album will get your attention, “Gray” will punch you right in your gut.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock