WATCH: Mama Bear Stops Traffic To Safely Carry Her Cubs (Who Won’t Listen) Across The Street

Here’s a shot of wholesomeness we could all use a little more of.

Now listen, we have shared some wicked bear videos like one just before this showing a black bear taking care of a wild hog in Tennessee.

Love nature? Here’s more.

Don’t worry, this is not that, so take a deep breath.

A video from Winsted, Connecticut has gone viral showing a mama bear stopping traffic in order to get her cubs safely across the street. It’s a struggle, as the cubs continue to follow mom back and forth as cars look on.

Eventually everyone gets their shit in order, and they make it to the other side safely.

The person who filmed it said, “First I thought one baby had been struck by car, came back 15 minutes later to realize mama was simply trying to get all four babies to cross the street, together! I can relate as a mom of four myself!”

There have been a ton of comments on this video, with that being the overwhelming sentiment from moms…

A relatable struggle.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock