Dolly Parton Says She’s Not Sure If She’d Accept Presidential Medal Of Freedom From Joe Biden

Joe Biden, Dolly Parton standing in front of microphones

Obama missed his shot, Trump got declined twice, will Joe Biden finally be the one to give Dolly the Presidential Medal of Freedom?

She says, not so fast…

Last month, Barack Obama said not giving Dolly the award during his time as President was a “screwup,” however as it turns out, President Trump offered the award to Dolly twice.

Unfortunately, due to her husband Carl Dean’s health, Dolly wasn’t going to travel to Washington DC, so she declined. When asked again by President Trump, COVID was going on and she declined to travel once more.

However now, when Dolly was recently asked if she would accept the medal from President Biden on Today with Hoda and JennaDolly said she wasn’t sure:

“Well, I actually have to be honest in all fairness. I got offered the freedom award from the Trump administration and I couldn’t accept it because my husband was ill.

Then they asked me again about it and I wouldn’t travel because of the COVID, so now I feel like if I take it I’ll be doing politics. So, I’m not sure.”

Dolly… always playing it right down the middle.

You saw what happened when Garth recently (a Republican) played the Biden Inauguration, after declining to perform for Trump’s in the prior term. It was chaos in his mentions. Some folks on the Right calling him a sellout traitor, some folks on the Left upset that he was a Republican country singer. Dolly wants no part of that.

And on top of the inherent political implications, Dolly said she’s not sure if she even deserves it.

“I don’t work for those awards… It’d be nice, but I’m not sure that I even deserve it.”

Well, we all know that isn’t true, but stay humble Dolly… we love ya.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock