Fan Gifts Blake Shelton With A Flag Featuring His Infamous High School Mullet Photo

Blake Shelton country music

Well, that’s one way to acknowledge that you are made for each other.

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are a musical powerhouse of a couple. While I must admit when they first got together, I wasn’t sure how this pairing seemed to work. But can you blame me? A mega pop-star city girl is settling down with a homegrown Oklahoma boy who likes hunting and fishing. On paper, it seemed like a very unlikely duo, but as time passed, and Blake Shelton went from goofy country star to a The Voice coach living Hollywood, it just started to make sense.

Of course, Blake wasn’t always Mr. Hollywood though. When his debut single “Austin” hit the radio waves in 2001, he was rocking a cowboy hat and one of the most underrated mullets that country music has ever seen.

During a recent show, a fan tossed a flag on stage with an image of a young Blake Shelton on the front from school picture day. Of course, one of the signature hairdos was a good ole mullet back then.

“I think that is my sophomore or junior picture of at Ada High School down there in Ada.”

The black and white photo features a killer business in the front, party in the back look. Shelton then flips the flag over to reveal a picture of his bride.

“And that appears to be Gwen Stefani with a mullet back when she was in high school, too. On that side, look at that. We were meant to be. Look at those mullets.”

Maybe instead of opposites attract, the phrase should be “those who mullet together stay together.” It’s a hilarious joke to fire off after being thrown a gift like this, and Shelton did not miss a beat, landing the joke perfectly.

Give it a watch; you will be giggling in no time.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock