The “Cold Beer Ban” In Tennessee Is NO MORE After Backlash Causes Lawmakers To Back Off

cold beer
Jeffrey Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

America, America, may God thy beer be COLD!

Pardon me as I change up some of the lyrics to “America the Beautiful” in celebration of some good news. If you didn’t hear, the entire country was outraged when they found out that a couple of Republican lawmakers in Tennessee were trying to ban the sale of cold beer in their state.

Little did they know that introducing such a bill was in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution. Shoutout to our founding fathers for including “Thou shall drink beer, and thy beer should be cold, and should be sold cold” in our nation’s guiding document.

Okay, I’ll admit I just made that up, but it sounded pretty cool, did it not? The REAL reason that the “cold beer ban” bill was put “on ice” is because Sen. Paul Rose and Rep. Ron Gant started to seriously feel the pushback from not only Tennesseans, but people all across America. Thus, the the proposed ban was dropped from the bill.

Gant provided this statement to Tennessee’s News Channel 5:

“While the final version of the bill is still being drafted, it will not include any language that prevents the sale of cold beer. This was one of several ideas being discussed by stakeholders across our state.”

The original draft of the bill included language that would have acted to prohibit sales of cold beer at gas stations, retail stores, and liquor stores in an effort to cut down on drunk driving.

But after enraging beer drinkers all across the country (maybe even the world), the bill will move on without that proposal included.

This just goes to show how powerful we can be as citizens if we work together to achieve a common goal. And when that common goal is to make sure beer stays refrigerated, you best believe people from all walks of life and political beliefs are going to come together.

So tonight, crack open a cold one and pour one out for those Tennessee lawmakers that were trying to start a war by taking away cold beer. And just as John F. Kennedy once said:

“Ask not what room temperature beer can do for you. Ask what you can do to ensure cold beer stays ICE COLD.”

Okay, sorry, I made that up too…

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock