Zero Of The 50 United States Have Bud Light, The Official Beer Sponsor Of The NFL, As Their Favorite Beer For The Super Bowl

Bud Light Super Bowl
Bud Light

The data is in, and believe it or not, a certain brand of light beer that has served as the NFL’s official brewin’ sponsor for 27 years running is not the preferred draft of choice for a single one of the 50 states in our beautiful nation.

That’s right. Bud Light is subliminally, viscerally and forcefully shoved every pro football fan’s mug, drinking pun intended. Alas, with all those zillions of dollars spend on marketing over nearly three decades, nobody prefers Bud Heavy’s little brother.

Look at Modelo holding it down for the entire general Southern regions of the country. That includes Nevada, the site of Super Bowl LVIII this evening between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers. Should be a hell of a matchup. Given how swanky, sophisticated and top 1% of the top 1% spectators tend to be at the Big Game, not sure how many folks will be cracking Modelos tonight. Nevertheless, I personally never would’ve suspected that brew’s reach to be so vast. Guess that’s what I get being in the Northeast for so long.

Interesting, too, how New York is a regional outlier and doesn’t prefer the hella light watered-down beer of Michelob Ultra. They’re all about Coors Light otherwise, which is a massive hit as you get further out Northwest and the adjacent areas. Not surprised to see the Midwest all about that Miller Lite life.

And oooooh, so close in Missouri, Bud Light! Alas, Budweiser Proper is the desired beer for the general gridiron-loving population.

You can see how Yuengling is a big hit in the cluster of states next to the Atlantic Ocean. Given that it was founded in Pennsylvania, not much of a surprise.

I would say, “DRINK RESPONSIBLY” today, but ya know, it’s a rather low bar to clear compared to what we’ve seen this weekend at the PGA Tour’s ragefest clown show that is the Waste Management Phoenix Open. I think for the most part, folks keep it classy at Super Bowl parties, right? This is the one single game you want to absolutely remember. Because let’s face it, we’re all in for a bit of a depressive nadir once the NFL season ends. It’ll all be over tonight. The NFL offseason does take up a lot of bandwidth in sports media, so at least there’s that to look forward to.

What a good bunch of folks at Bud Light. They’re still ready to give away copious amounts of alcohol despite the fact that America has made it clear, they’re not exactly enthusiastically embraced.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock