Nashville Party Wagon Operator Sentenced To Jail For Operating Without A Permit, Cited 70 Times

Off The Wagon tour
Off The Wagon Tours

Those looking to travel to Nashville (probably for a bachelorette party) and drink alcohol on a moving vehicle will have to look to options other than the Nashville Party Wagon.

It’s funny that the actual name of the company is called “Off The Wagon Tours,” because the owner by the name of Curtis Carney will literally be off the wagon while he fulfills a jail sentence for operating without a permit.

A circuit court judge handed over a 40 day jail sentence (five days for eight charges) to Curtis after the owner of the party wagon continued to operate without a permit, even after being told by the city to cease operations. The man plans to appeal his sentence, though I’m not sure he has a great case to go against the city.

Court documents show that last year, Curtis Carney was late to apply for an entertainment vehicle permit by a couple of hours. Though he knew he didn’t have the proper permitting, he went ahead anyways with his “Off The Wagon Tours,” and was cited by Metro officials more than 70 times.

And to make matters worse, this year Carney didn’t even bother applying for a permit, and just went ahead with driving tractor loads full of people through downtown Nashville hoping that no one would ask any questions.

In a last ditch effort from the city, Carney was asked back in July to stop operating his Nashville Party Wagon, but despite that, his green tractor and trailer were spotted around 10 times by the TLC (Transportation Licensing Commission). It’s just shocking that you can’t pull a load of drunk people through a downtown area discretely…

This recent example is making many people question the plethora of party buses, barges, and wagons that flow through the streets of downtown Nashville. A member of a group called “Safe, Fun Nashville” by the name of Jim Schmitz told WKRN news:

“It’s been a bad situation for a while, and I’m glad to see somebody finally holding someone accountable, and there just needs to be more of this.

Some rules have been put in place. Those rules were put in place with great care and conversation and open government, and you need to abide by the law.”

Ask anyone that lives in Nashville and they’ll tell you that they wouldn’t mind to see the multitude of party buses be watched with a closer eye, or even be limited. I’ll never truly understand why people like to drink beer and other forms of alcohol on a moving vehicle anyways.

Seems like a “Hangover Expeditor” to me…

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock