Parker McCollum Wowed By Fan In Front Row Singing “Young Man’s Blues”

Parker McCollum country music

I couldn’t imagine having the opportunity to sit front row at your favorite singer’s concert, and then they hand you the microphone to sing the lyrics of the song they’re playing.

I mean c’mon, you get one moment in front of thousands of fans, and you’re either going to sound great, or you’re going to sound like a dying cow. And let’s be honest, for 99.9% of us… it’s dying cow.

It’s kind of like trying to catch a home run ball at a baseball game with a beer in one hand. If you catch it and don’t spill a drop, you’re a legend. But if you drop it and spill the beer all over the person next to you, then you’ll live in the hall of shame forever.

With that being said, this guy had his moment at a Parker McCollum concert back in June.

While McCollum was singing his hit song “Young Man’s Blues,” he walked over to the crowd, and handed the mic over to a fan he noticed right there in the front row.

And boy, this guy nailed it.

We can’t see his face, but he delivers a pretty damn good rendition of the chorus to “Young Man’s Blues.” He also kind of sounds eerily similar to Parker himself. The look on Parker’s face says it all though. He even lets out a quick “COME ON” midway through, and then finishes with a “LET’S GO” as he wraps up.

Check it out:

And it looks like it wasn’t the first time this dude, got behind the mic.

Preston McCabe shared a video from another Parker McCollum concert back in February where he got the chance to sing a little “Young Man’s Blues.”

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock