The World’s Only Spotless Giraffe Was Born At A Tennessee Zoo Last Month

spotless giraffe nature
Brights Zoo

I had no idea this was even a possibility, and I’m going to ask the question we are all thinking: Are we sure it isn’t just a horse with a really long neck?

You’ll see in the picture below that isn’t the case, but that doesn’t make a spotless giraffe make any more sense. It is a rare sight for sure, and so rare that it is believed to be the only patternless giraffe in the entire world.

The Brights Zoo, which is located in Limestone, Tennessee, is now home to the animal kingdom’s only singularly colored, long-necked giraffe. It was born at the very end of July, and according to the staff of the zoo, already stands at six feet in height and is being taken care of by the zoo staff and its mother.

The newborn giraffe is a female that is brown all over without the signature patches that the tall animals have been known for. A giraffe’s blotches usually helps to camouflage out in the wild, and also acts as a thermal regulator, allowing giraffes to release heat through their brown spots.

This female lacks those patented patches, but should still be able to live a normal life, especially in captivity. The Brights Zoo has even started a naming contest for the rare giraffe, and has narrowed it down to these four names:

– Kipekee, which means “unique”

– Shakiri, translating to “she is most beautiful”

– Jamella, meaning “one of great beauty”

– Firyali, which translates to “extraordinary or unusual”

The beautiful newborn is certainly turning some heads at the Tennessee zoo. Tony Bright, the founder of the Brights Zoo, stated that the birth of the spotless giraffe has helped bring more attention to conservation efforts, with an increased amount of poaching and destruction of giraffe’s natural habitats:

“The international coverage of our patternless baby giraffe has created a much-needed spotlight on giraffe conservation. Wild populations are silently slipping into extinction, with 40% of the wild giraffe population lost in just the last 3 decades.”

And just a quick side note on the potential names for the new addition to the Brights Zoo. I’m rooting for “Shakiri” because it sounds pretty close to the name “Shakira.”

I don’t want to be cringey here, but this would have been a perfect spot (giraffe pun intended) for a “Patches Don’t Lie” joke. I won’t go through with it though…

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock