This Beach Chair Dance Routine From Vail’s 4th Of July Parade Is The Ultimate Dad Performance

4th of July Parade

This might be one of the best Fourth of July parade additions.

Happy day after the 4th. May your hangovers be limited and your workday be filled with lesser-than-usual bitching from your co-workers.

While returning to work the day after America’s holiday blows, one of the best parts of the day after the Fourth is scrolling social media and looking at all of the redneck shit that took place.

While this might not be the most redneck Fourth of July video, it’s still pretty incredible.

During their town’s parade in Vail, Colorado, a group of men got together to perform a folding chair baton routine. Think the ultimate dad grilling routine meets military drill team.

The group is fully outfitted in their best dad shoes, tall socks, cargo shorts, Hawaiian shirts, and of course, the stars of the show, folding beach chairs.

The short but sweet routine ends with the ultimate trick of a toss and catch into the chairs folding out before the group jumps over the backs of them to lounge.

The comments were polarized with thoughts from this routine, but I think this screams classic American Dad.

“And they say white people have no culture.”

“This is the funniest 4th of July video I’ve seen.”

“Republican Broadway.”


Regardless, the accuracy of the choreography is impressive. Someone throw these guys a beer; they are ready to day drink.

@skitownallstarsHappy 4th of July from Vail, Colorado! 🇺🇸

♬ Born in the USA / Cover Me Live Hedon Zwolle

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock