Whole Bunch Of Seals Play With A Kayaker Off The Coast Of Namibia

Seal kayakers
Viral Hog

Just some sea dogs having some fun.

Seals have to be some of the cutest and most hilarious animals in the ocean… they really are just some water dogs.

Nambian seals can weigh up to 500 pounds and being over 6.5 feet, but are generally gentle giants. Known to be highly social animals, they form large colonies often living together.

They are also known to be curious of people and want to play… just like a puppy.

So, being in a boat and getting out in their territory often leads to up close and personal encounters with these seals.

This kayaker captured some amazing video amongst the seals.

The video shows a seal actually sitting on the back of his kayak while there are other seals everywhere you look.

The one on the back actually fights with another playfully. Other seals pop up curiously all around.

It then shows hundreds, maybe even thousands of seals on a beach.

Might be time to book yourself a trip to Namibia, eh?


A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock