The Zach Bryan Song You Need To Send To Your Crush ASAP

Zach Bryan country music

We all know and love  Zach Bryan for his songwriting ability. Vulnerable, thoughtful, compelling… it’ll make you feel a complex range emotions the second he starts to sing.

And this one makes you feel… something?

In the early days of Zach Bryan’s fandom, he showed more of his goofy side, sometimes leading to some hilarious impromptu lyrics. One of which is his video singing about… butts. Let’s, for fun, title it “What’s Inside?”

The endearing lyrics of:

“What’s inside your butthole
I always want to know,
Maybe there are astronauts
Maybe there are aliens
What’s inside your butthole

I always want to know.”

Really turns on the charm for listeners.

After he sings the silly lyrics, he says thank you and goodnight to his imaginary crowd.

For as big as Zach Bryan is today, you have to look back on goofy moments like this and appreciate it. I fully believe if an artist can’t sit around and strum up a song with dumbass lyrics like this, they will have a hard time making it.

Send this one to your crush…should have ’em swooning.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock