George Strait Fans Were Dying To Know If He Slept In Pajamas In 1986

George Strait country music
Entertainment Tonight

Old George Strait interview clips are pure gold.

Ladies were basically frothing at the mouth to see the King of country music. With his devilish looks, stellar songwriting, and charming stage presence, he was the whole package that young women wanted.

And let’s face it…none of that has changed.

In 1986, George Strait sat down for an interview with Entertainment Tonight, and this interview had some of the most unhinged questions I have seen that aired on live TV.

The seemingly innocent interview starts by noting all of Strait’s accolades at that point in his career and clips of him talking about staying true to his Texas roots with his sound.

The interviewer then turns the questioning to note how female fans act feverish around him.

“What is about you, George, that’s so sexy?”

George nervously giggles and says:

“You’re certainly going to have to tell me that because I don’t know.

I don’t look in the mirror and say, ‘What is it about you, George?'”

Well said, George… where do they get these questions?

The next question kills Strait as the interviewer says:

“All of your female fans are dying to know. Do you sleep in pajamas or not?”

As a young George Strait laughs off the question, he candidly answers that he does not.

“No, I don’t. No pajamas for this guy.”

I mean, what is the alternative? In the buff? In his Wrangler jeans? Riveting question, people…

It is wild looking back at old clips like this one and seeing the unfiltered questions that celebrities were asked. Something tells me you couldn’t get away with this one these days…

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock