Woman Cries Tears Of Joy As She Pulls An Absolute Hog Of A Largemouth Bass Out Of The Water

Massive bass
Hannah Strother

Nothing beats the big one.

Fishing is a sport filled with emptions. Excitement, disappointment, peace and pure joy are just a few that come to mind.

This sport can bring out strong emotions. There’s something amazing that happens when you are out on the water making memories. Without realizing it you become invested in nothing more than that moment.

This is what keeps people running to the water, searching for an escape from the world in the form of fishing.

Largemouth bass are one of the most popular sport fish in North America. They are fun to catch putting up a great fight and can grow fairly large weighing up to 20 pounds.

These beasts are one of the most sought-after fish, with their being many professional bass fishermen out there that go to tournaments all over the country chasing these fish. That’s not a bad way to make a living.

Naturally, a fish that is so wanted is bound to bring some great fishing moments.

This is definitely one of them.

A woman is seen hauling a massive largemouth up into her lap as she sits in her kayak.

The woman breaks into tears of joy as this beast hits her lap.

This is what it’s all about. We all chase that feeling when we go out there.

Eric Church has it right, tomorrow I’m takin’ me fishin’.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock