Cole Chaney & Logan Halstead Playing A Show Together Is A Great Reason To Book A Trip To Kentucky

Cole Chaney Logan Halstead

There’s some concerts you just know are going to be great walking in.

I knew I was in for something special when I saw Colter Wall play a small, back alley venue in St. Pete, Florida, and I had the same feeling for weeks leading up to the March 15th, 2020 Sturgill Simpson and Tyler Childers concert.

Unfortunately, that show was canceled… the first show that let me know this Covid thing was really happening.

The same feeling is all over a November 5th show at The Burl in Lexington, Kentucky. It feels like you’re about to witness something that you might still be talking about five years from now when Cole and Logan are selling out much larger venues together.

“I remember when I saw them at The Burl… just a couple hundred people…”

Cole Chaney and Logan Halstead will be sharing the stage for what is going to be a phenomenal night of true country music straight from the hills of Appalachia. You’re looking at the future of country music… on one stage.

If you’ve been meaning to book a trip to Kentucky, this would be the weekend to do it.

Cole is a Cattletsburg, Kentucky native and made huge waves with Mercyhis debut album released earlier this year, along with sessions recorded at Red Barn Radio (Yes, the same one that helped put Childers on the map.)

Logan is from Boone County, West Virginia, and while he’s still super young at only 18, the talent he possesses is truly incredible. We first heard of his from a YouTube video of his song “Dark Black Coal.”

Each may be the face of the next wave in Independent, traditional country, but both of them together may just be bring the genre to another level.

Cole Chaney – “Mercy”

Logan Halstead – “Dark Black Coal”

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock