Floyd Mayweather Says Snoozer Fight With Logan Paul Was “Legalized Bank Robbing”

A man wearing a baseball hat and holding a microphone

If you couldn’t watch the much anticipated Logan Paul vs. Floyd Mayweather fight last night, don’t worry, you didn’t miss much.

The fight consisted of straight defense, and it was easy to see that it was all a cash grab for Mayweather and Paul, as it was estimated the two won $120 million combined.

In fact, most fans were irate that they dropped $50 a pop just to watch the two hug it out for eight rounds on Showtime, and even Mayweather himself claimed the fight as a “legalized bank robbery.”

And frankly, the famed boxer doesn’t care, as he took home millions and millions of dollars last night.

He discussed it in the post fight interview last night:

“Pretty Boy Floyd” to “Money Mayweather,” it makes perfect sense.

Fans have even claimed that Mayweather was going as easy as possible on Paul, simply trying to drag the match out. Some even went as far to say that Money Mayweather was holding up Paul after it appeared he delivered a knockout blow at the end of a round.

Other argue that it wasn’t a KO, he just landed a solid shot that buzzed him.

You can see for yourself:

But who can blame the guy though? He’s the most decorated boxer in the history of the game, has never lost a fight, and he got to fight a YouTuber for millions.

Step in there for a few minutes, spar with an amateur, have some fun, and collection a big, fat check. If that ain’t livin’ the dream, I don’t know what is.

Check out the full interview here:

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A beer bottle on a dock