Note To Self: Never Say “Is That All?” In The Middle Of A Road Rage Argument

Holy moly…

Not a lot of context here other than a VERY pissed off driver with a kid in the car, and some smart-ass in beanie who is “driving like an a-hole.”

Beanie man didn’t seem to deny it, but after he took a tongue-lashing, he cracked back with a smug:

“Is that all?”

Big mistake…

I think we can admit both guys were probably in the wrong here at one point, but beanie man’s reaction seems to indicate this might not be the first time this has happened to him. I mean, he can you possibly be THAT chill about a dude punching your car window out?

Now on the other hand, this is how it’s done.

A good old-fashioned dust up, quickly determine the winner, quit before someone gets seriously hurt, shake hands, and get back the car before the cops come.

Take notes road ragers.

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A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock