Wolf Pack Makes Rare Visit To Old Faithful In Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone wolves by Old Faithful
Mary Greeley News

An area usually teeming with packs of tourists found itself occupied by a pack of Yellowstone’s elusive wolves yesterday morning.

A livestream webcam focused on Old Faithful, the Yellowstone National Park geyser that draws untold thousands, perhaps millions, of visitors per year, picked up footage of a rare wolf pack roaming through the snow covered area.

According to the NPS, there are at least 108 wolves in Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), which have separated into 10 distinct packs. This was the Wapiti pack, according to a video posted by Yellowstone National Park Forever, the nonprofit partner of the oldest national park in the country.

“What a view this morning as seen through Yellowstone’s Old Faithful live-stream webcam! The webcam captured some incredible footage of the park’s Wapiti wolf pack making its way through the Upper Geyser Basin.”

While sightings do happen in the park, it’s generally in the more remote northern areas. Old Faithful is located in the Southwest part of the park, which makes this occurrence even more unlikely to witness.

Fortunately most of the park’s roads are closed for the season and there were no people around, not that wolves are likely to visit with pesky humans in the area, but man, seeing those wild canines scamper over the boardwalks that visitors are told to stay on for their safety is a bit unnerving. You never know what you’ll see out in the great wild west and I need to get a trip to Yellowstone booked immediately…

Here’s a full clip of the pack making its way through.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock