Remember When Toby Keith Made A Pro Wrestling Appearance In 2002?

Toby Keith country music

The “Red Solo Cup” Smackdown.

Toby Keith, country music icon, champion for our nation, and a wrestling superstar?

Like the WWE, the TNA highlighted performance wrestling, and fans loved the action. Toby Keith starred in his very own pay-per-view TNA smackdown in 2002, getting revenge on pro-wrestler Jeff Jarrett.

Keith was slated as the guest performer during the match, taking the center stage to sing some of his hit songs. While he was mid-lyric, Jarrett came on stage, pushing Keith to the side. While the two exchanged colorful words, event attendees had no idea what else was in store for them.

To get his “revenge” on Jarrett, Toby Keith entered the wrestling ring with his signature red bandana around his head, ready for a smackdown. SE Scoops reported that Keith used a German suplex to finish off Jarrett. Keith essentially put the wrestler in a headstand on his shoulder before falling backward, taking Jarrett out.

Jeff Jarrett spoke out after Keith passed, sharing kind words about how much fun it was to work with the country music superstar.

“Toby’s a special human being in so many different ways… [I told him] Toby, I want you to be a part of the show. What do you think? Oh and on top of that (performing music) you get to kick my ass for the night! He said, ‘I’m in!'”

A few years later, Toby Keith would make another wrestling appearance as a guest host for a 2010 episode of WWE’s Monday Night Raw.

Toby Keith, indeed, was a man of many talents.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock