Golfer Calmly Plays On As Alligator Marches Past On The Course In Florida

golf alligator

The “play it where it lies” rule can get quite dangerous when playing down south.

Back in 2021, two golfers in separate states had a ball land directly on top of an alligator within a month of each other, and the waterways are filled with more of these giants that sometimes like to square up in the middle of the fairway

But these swamp puppies don’t strike much fear into the hearts of real Florida Men as we see in this video.

Although it’s only a short clip, we see a golfer getting ready to take a short iron shot about 50 feet out from the pin when an alligator enters the frame.

Most people would get as far away from the situation as possible, but not this guy, who noticed the alligator was minding its own business and didn’t appear to be a threat.

The guy approached the shot, took a second to gather himself, and stuck a seemingly good shot while the alligator marched past him.

Seriously, neither one really seemed to care the other was close, and I don’t know if that speaks more to the mental state of the man or the relaxed nature of this alligator…

It’s videos like this that make me miss living in Florida. I once saw my neighbor sitting on the ground next to a pond, calmly eating a sandwich while an alligator sat just feet away sunbathing itself.

You don’t get moments like these anywhere else in this great country.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock