Matthew McConaughey & His Wife Camila Go Bare-A** On Motorcycles For New Pantalones Tequila Ad

Matthew McConaughey
Pantalones Tequila

Matthew McConaughey has always been willing to put himself out there, but this new advertisement takes that to a whole other level. To put it another way, McConaughey and his wife Camila have always carried themselves as genuine and down-to-Earth people, and have really emphasized that in this stripped-down commercial for their new tequila.

Do you see what I’m trying to say here? Just in case you don’t, I’ll just come out and say it. Matthew and Camila McConaughey got half naked to help sell their new brand of liquor.

The married couple announced to the world that they’ve taken on a new project as owners of Pantalones Organic Tequila. The McConaugheys can be added to the long list of celebrities that have decided to slap their face onto some alcohol and make a ton of money selling it. Of course, from 2016-2022, McConaughey was also the creative director for Wild Turkey Bourbon, and the force behind their Longbranch Bourbon imprint, which still runs today.

However, you do have to hand it to them for probably earning the title of “most unique announcement,” because we haven’t seen any other celebrity ditch their pants when informing the world of their new liquor. In the video, Matthew and Camila speed through agave fields on motorcycles, with both of them wearing a button down shirt and aviators.

And like clock work, the advertisement features a voiceover of Matthew McConnaughey asking viewers a confusing, existential question:

“When did tequila stop being tequila?”

We’ll all just pretend to know what he means by that. Camila then comes into the voiceover and adds:

“Right? Where’s the fun?”

The camera then pans out to show that both Matthew and Camila are not wearing any pants as they ride through the desert landscape on their hogs. Of course, their bottom halves are blurred out…

What can you say really? Clearly the McConaugheys are showmen and show-women, respectively. Not wearing pants and sipping on your new drink while riding motorcycles will surely get some eyes on your tequila brand.

McConnaughey shared the video on his social media accounts with the caption:

“Quite possibly the best thing Camila and I have made with our pants on- Pantalones Organic Tequila.”

Can an ad campaign win an Emmy? They truly hit it out of the park with the video, the captions, everything really. Looks like I’ll be looking for Pantalones Organic Tequila next time I’m at the liquor store.

Take a look at the video below:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock