Deer Gets Smoked By Oncoming Traffic & Then Smashes Into Minnesota Police Officer’s Windshield

Deer hits police car
Anoka County Sheriff's Office

The double hit.

I dare say, that deer definitely did not walk away from that one. Double the impact at two different directions… it’s just more than a deer can handle. And believe it or not, deer are some tough, resilient creatures.

Deer have it rough, though. From the second they are born, everything that can, wants to eat them and is sure as hell is going to try to.

They are animal that maxes out at 250 pounds and averages around 120 pounds, making them the perfect meal size for many predators while also being small enough to be able to take out without too much fight.

After a deer makes its way through the woods and fends off everything it has coming after it, it then just has to worry about the rest of the world… traffic, hunters, disease, starvation, climate.

It’s hard to blame them for forgetting to look both ways when they cross the road. And this deer clearly didn’t look.

A police dashcam in Anoka County, Minnesota, caught this wild accident all on camera.

A deer steps out of the ditch and gets launched by a car coming towards the police car. The deer cartwheels and then gets hit again by the police car.

“As winter settles in, the prospect of vehicle v deer collision becomes a more frequent occurrence as deer become more active at night. Yesterday, a deputy was slightly injured after becoming involved in a “secondary deer collision.”

The crash took place in the 1600 Block of Briarwood LN NE in the City of East Bethel. A deer ran out in front of an oncoming vehicle and was struck. The impact of that collision sent the deer air bound where it crashed through the windshield of the oncoming patrol car.

Most deer collisions are unavoidable circumstances, but all drivers should be as cautious as they can when traveling in open, wooded areas.”


A beer bottle on a dock



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