Charles Wesley Godwin’s Stage AE Documentary Highlights Killer New Song “All Again”

Charles Wesley Godwin country music
Robert Tinnell

Carve out 35 minutes of your day and watch this documentary.

Charles Wesley Godwin announced earlier this week that he created a six-performance documentary taking in the sold-out show at Pittsburg Stage AE earlier this year.

Feb 4, 2023, was a special night for The Allegheny High and me. Selling out Stage AE, a venue that holds a lot of meaning for all of us, meant the world.

Thanks to Robert Tinnell for capturing the moment and allowing us to share it with all of you.

Charles Wesley Godwin – Stage AE Documentary is now live on YouTube. Check it out at the link in my bio. Hope you enjoy it!”

Charles Wesley Godwin opens the video by talking about the significance of playing in that venue that lies in the backyard for many of his band members. With the audience filled with family and friends, the venue was more than another sold-out venue, but rather the first time to share the music and passion these guys have on stage with the ones they love.

The conversation-style videography combined with the live performances perfectly combines history and entertainment.

Godwin is exceptionally well-spoken, talking about the backstory of his songs and how he curated his meaningful lyrics.

“If I go for a run in the morning, the rest of the day, it’s kind of hard to get me too shook. 

I use that time to work out songs. Think about them in my own head or listen to something that I’m interested in…helps fight off the dad bod a little bit.”

Godwin says as he beings to tell the inspiration behind “Jesse.”

“‘Jesse” started on a run…that’s a great example of how songs come sometimes from your environment. 

I ran underneath a bridge and sprayed in red was a statement that said, “Are you thinking of me like I’m thinking of you?”

And I was like, that’s something deep for somebody to be spraying on a bridge probably in the middle of the night.”

The highlight of the documentary is hearing new music that will appear on their upcoming album this year. A month ago, he teased a song on his Instagram called “Christian Name,” and while the song he revealed on stage that night was not that one… it is a damn good indication of what is to live on the forthcoming album.

“All Again” highlights that everything in his life has led him to where he is now.

“It’s about how my life has gone, and some things didn’t go as I planned or wanted them to at the moment.

Like, never getting to play college football even though I wanted to so bad, but that led me to picking up a guitar. Which then led me to meeting who would become my wife, which led to our kids. 

You know, the whole point of that song is basically to say all the twists and turns and the ups and downs in life for all of it…to where I’m at right now, with my life and my family, I’d do it all over again.

That’s a song that is going to be on the album, but we were so excited to go out and play it we just started playing it at our live shows anyways.”

Honestly, think I re-played that clip of the documentary at least five times.

The melody of the tune is addicting, and the hook line of:

“We’ve got time, dear, 
you’re the girl I knew back when
don’t you love dear
I’m the boy whose always been in love with you to the end
And I’d do it all again.”

It is truly one of the most tender and catchy verse deliveries.

If anything watching this documentary has me pumped for the new album.

Godwin is articulate in his thoughts through song, and he tells fans that through this video while giving those who have not seen Godwin live a glimpse into his kick-ass shows.

Time spent watching this is time well spent.

If you are looking for another West Virginia staple…

“Take Me Home, Country Roads”





A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock