Patrick Mahomes Said He Was Going To “Hammer 100 Coors Lights” After Super Bowl Win

Patrick Mahomes coors light

Pop a top, fellas.

I couldn’t even imagine the partying that went down amongst the Kansas City Chiefs’ players after their Super Bowl win over the Philadelphia Eagles last night.

Hell, I’d like to bet there are a few players who don’t even remember playing in the Super Bowl to begin with, because they’re currently 47 beers and a million shots deep at this exact moment.

And one of those players?

It very well could be quarterback Patrick Mahomes.

First off, lets cut to the chase… Mahomes can drink beer, and drink A LOT of it.

And he’s particularly partial to Coors Light. On his 25th birthday, he even had a Coors Light cake.

He once drank nearly a whole case of Coors Light while at one of comedian Andrew Santino’s shows in Dallas, Texas, and then proceeded to go out to the bars afterwards.

Santino recalled:

He came for the first show, and he was like ‘Man so f*ckin’ fun,’ and he goes, ‘Alright, well then where do you want us now?’ And I was like, ‘Oh I’ll see you. I’m going to do the second show. You guys go have fun and I’ll see ya whenever.’ And he’s like, ‘No, I think we’re gonna stay for the second show.’

I was like, ‘Oh, okay.’ I thought for sure he would dip but he’s like, no, we want to stay. And the server comes up to me she’s like, ‘That’s your party right?’ And I was like ‘Yeah, whatever I’ll take care of the bill like whatever it is.’ s

She’s like ‘No no, no we’re comping everything anyway, I just want to let you know like we have someone that’s going to get more Coors Light, because Mr. Mahomes has finished all the Coors Light.’

I’m not kidding when I say this, maybe 13 the first show, and maybe 10 the second show…. And then we went out.”

Pretty impressive.

And after last night’s victory?

He was seen saying in the locker room afterwards:

“I’m about to hammer, like, 100 Coors Lights.”

And perhaps the craziest part is, I don’t think he’s being sarcastic at all. I wouldn’t put it past him to drink that many, and I think he has the capability to do it.

However, we’re still waiting for Mahomes to chug that beer from Cooper Manning’s boot:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock