WATCH: Farmer Sprays Poop At Protestors Trespassing On His Land, Boxing Them In With A Surgeon’s Precision

Welp, that didn’t go according to plan.

When a group of protestors showed up on a farmer’s land (trespassing) to have their voice heard against fracking that was going to take place on his property, he decided to take matters into his own hands to remove the group.

These types of protests don’t always go according to plan, as you’ll see.

Another example of this can be seen when a group of vegans locked themselves to duck farm machinery, resulting in one dude almost losing his head…

In this case, the farmer does his best Dale Jr, circling the group with precision, and spraying them with manure.

Great technique here – gives them nowhere to go, boxes them in, ruins some clothes and shoes and everybody is covered in crap. Just like you draw it up.

Check out the s-t storm.

And speaking of farmers, let’s not forget about one of the great commercials ever made, RAM Trucks’ So God Made a Farmer.

Chills on chills.

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A beer bottle on a dock