The Mobile, Alabama Leprechaun Is A Must-Watch Every St. Patrick’s Day

Mobile Leprechaun

“Who else seen the leprechaun say YEEEAHHHH!”

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we thought it was only fitting to revisit one of the greatest viral videos of all time: The Mobile leprechaun.

The video first went viral way back in 2006, making it one of the first truly viral videos on the internet. It’s a news report from WPMI, a local news station in Mobile. And it’s still amazing.

Apparently back around St. Patrick’s Day 2006, there were numerous reports of a “leprechaun” sighting in the Crichton neighborhood of Mobile. The news crew managed to catch up with the crowd gathered round looking for the leprechaun and his pot of gold – many of whom had their own theories on what the “leprechaun” may have actually been:

“It could be a crackhead that got ahold of the wrong stuff.”

But many were convinced that it was actually a leprechaun, with one man even showing off his leprechaun hunting gear:

“This wards off spells. And this is a special leprechaun flute that’s been passed down from thousands of years ago from my great-great-grandfather who’s Irish.”

Oh, and of course there’s the amazing “amateur sketch” that pretty much proves there’s a leprechaun hopping around the trees in Mobile.

Seems like the folks down in Mobile may have started drinking the green beer a little too early, but the result was this amazing video that’s still making its rounds 16 years later.

So if you’re celebrating today, make sure you grab your “special leprechaun flute” and keep your eyes out for leprechauns – or, you know, crackheads.

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock