The Atlanta Hawks Posted An “Only Fans” Themed Video, & People Don’t Know How To Feel About It

Atlanta Hawks mascot
Atlanta Hawks

What were the Atlanta Hawks thinking with this one?

Anytime I see videos and posts that are this questionable in nature, I have to wonder why it was made, and how it got past the initial idea stage.

Thinking outside of the box is always a good thing, but some ideas are best to be left as ideas, you know what I’m saying? I didn’t (nor did anyone else) need to see the Atlanta Falcon’s mascot in an Only Fans style promotion.

If you haven’t heard, the NBA is doing an In-Season Tournament this year, and fans, players, and coaches alike don’t really know what exactly is going on with it. All we do know is that the courts they are rolling out for it are eye-burning and horrendous.

And speaking of having your eyes burned, this video that the Atlanta Hawks released today promoting the In-Season Tournament might just be the worst thing you’ll ever see. Ever since I laid eyes on it, I’ve wished I could somehow un-see it, but it’s unfortunately burnt into my mind now.

That means that I must now transfer that same burden over to you, the reader, to experience the horrific video as well. The video of the Atlanta Hawks mascot (Harry the Hawk) rolling around on a bed is accompanied by seductively read commentary saying:

“Only hawks fans know where the real action is. Only hawks fans know what they really want to see, and only hawks fans know just where to get it.”

Take a look (if you dare):

What in the hell did I just watch?

That’s how most people that viewed the video have reacted, and even some of the Atlanta Hawks’ own players have called for the social media team to take this post down for it to never been seen again:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock