Shark Steals The Show Bursting Out Of Water Behind Surfer

Shark surfer

The more I see shark videos on the internet, the less and less interested I am in swimming in the ocean.

Does this count as a photobomb if it’s a video? You would usually think about this type of back ground activity stealing the show as a photobomb, so we’ll just roll with it and say that it is.

This foil board surfer was shredding some waves, and doing a damn good job at it, when a shark came flying out of nowhere and one-upped the guy on the board.

And saying that the shark one-upped the surfer is really saying something, considering that the guy is riding on a hydrofoil board. If you don’t know what that is, they are considered “flying surfboards” because they raise the board and the surfer above the water.

Sure, the surfer is doing an incredible job and making the act of surfing look easy. However, I’ve seen surfers ride the waves plenty of time, and I’d venture to say that I’ve never seen a shark jump out of the water and barrel roll 4.5 times.

The footage also utilizes the song “Shark Reggae” by The Key of Awesome, and I know this isn’t a super high-brow thing to say, but it’s pretty awesome. Great use of the song that really seemed like it was made for this moment.

The video was posted to Instagram with the caption:

“Had a heat with a shark the other day…

Who do you think got the highest score? That el rollo from the shark was pretty sick.

Instagram users were very supportive of the hydrofoil surfer, and also loved the impressive display of athleticism from the shark in the background:

“Epic timing.”

“Shark did a 900, he gets a 10 from me.”

“Who can even notice the shark with you full on shredding on that foil! I want so bad to do your surf style carving on the water.”

“Serious rotations from the shark.”

“Shark did a triple kick flip.”

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock